Friday, December 24, 2010

In Lieu Of A Proper Thank You Note

I want to send each and every one of you a personal handwritten thank you note.

When that seemed impossible, I wanted to make a list of every name of every person who sent prayers (that were answered). I wanted to add to the list the names from emails that were filled with love and concern. And then thank each of you for the comments you left on the various posts I did about Canada.

You blew up Facebook with your heartfelt comments and messages.

Fund raisers were held by tango communities all over the USA for us, including a whopper in New Orleans.

I wanted to list all the bloggers who did a post for Alberto and me ( I have tried to re-post them on Facebook when I find them), and of the many bloggers who held auctions for us, or donated something for those auctions from baking cookies to beautiful works of art, or gave us something we needed from your Etsy shop, or bought our book Gotta Tango.

I so wanted to list the names of all of you who sent fruit baskets and brought over food once we made it home, and of course I wanted to post the names that showed up on the roster for a Paypal donation to

It amounts to hundreds of names.

As Alberto recovers, we have spent hours and hours reading each and every name. We cry alot reading these amazing names, so many of which are of people we "don't know". And then we cry harder reading the names of all the people we know, and who love us. We can safely say you are loved, and we are loved.

We have tried to search and acknowledge every blog post many of you did about our time in Canada.

Then we tried to cross reference it all and make a master list. This has been going on since Thanksgiving when I originally wanted to name names ha ha.

Well, we are just not up to it! It is too much for us to do. We need a a blog intern ha ha. But we couldn't let another month go by without saying something, without offering some kind of thank you note, proper or not.

First responders in Canada, doctors and nurses in two countries, family, fellow dancers, bloggers, readers, kind strangers, tangueros, and loyal friends from all over the world:

We can't begin to express our gratitude for your solidarity and compassion, for your words of comfort, love and support along with your prayers, good wishes and most important, generous contributions that helped us raise the necessary funds to return home.

Thank you and let's dance more tango in 2011, and blog, and decorate, and be good to each other.

Valorie Hart and Alberto Paz dancing Tango on Fulton Street in New Orleans

Alberto and I send our best wishes for the best holiday season and a peaceful and prosperous new year.

All of the fabulous hand lettered examples come from Stephen Rapp.

From his web site:

"Word and image are the key components in any graphic campaign. Each must effectively convey the message on both a practical and emotional level. This is where custom type and lettering excel. Hand lettered words express emotion much like the human voice. They can, in some cases, even serve as illustration. In our ever expanding digital environment the sense of human touch conveyed with hand lettering stands out as a welcoming voice.

Lettering and typography are my passion. I’ve studied and practiced lettering and type design for over 2 decades. Along the way I’ve had the opportunity to work in a variety of styles and media. If you have a project that might benefit from custom lettering or type; please don’t hesitate to call or write."


  1. Thanks to you, Valorie and Alberto, for hanging in there together. You are a marvelous couple.

    Joyeaux Noel!

    Art by Karena

  2. So glad everything worked out for you and Alberto is doing better. Have a wonderful holiday and I hope 2011 is a very happy and healthy year for you both.

  3. Great post honey! Merry Christmas! Kori xoxo

  4. I hope this is your best Christmas ever! You have so much to be Happy & Thanksful for, each other.
    Wishing you the best and a healthy and happy 2011!
    La Maison Fou

  5. You and Alberto have a magical Christmas!
    Wishing you both a trip to NY soon....

  6. I'm so glad I have not yet put on mascara this morning as it'd be all over my face! This got to me; all the kindest of others and then the incredible photo of you two. With so much going wrong in this world, this story went so right. Not to forget you wearing that fabulous leopard coat! Your love for each other has filled my heart & although we've never met I care deeply for you both. I know you will be celebrating this Christmas and New Year with a whole new meaning. Sending love to you both and Merry Christmas.

    From this Ho..Ho..Ho!

    xo xo Deb

  7. Merry Christmas to you both!!
    And the Happiest New Year!

  8. Merry Christmas & a happy and healthy New Year to you both.

  9. Indeed, You are loved! The very best of the new year to you two tangoeurians!

    Love and Joy in 2011!!

  10. Valorie- So gracious! We should be thanking you for the true spirit of grace this holiday season!

    Happy Happy Holidays!


  11. oh my! i pray you have a marvelous, safe, healthy, and blessed christmas. it was great visiting the store this past weekend and, as always, so wonderful to meet another blogger. our little blogging world is marvelous, isnt it? take care and, again, nice to meet you! i did mention perch on my blog if you would like to check it out!

    merry merry
    natalie {who bought the antler bowl :)}

  12. I'd like to see the antlier bowl. Well this is a wish for you both to have a wonderful Christmas, and
    best wishes for a Healthy New Year.
    Keep those happy feet dancing


  13. Lovely post warms my heart to see you both together, Alberto in all his sweet healthiness and you with such a wonderful,giddy smile...and an amazing coat!

    This years Christmas will be such a special more ways than one! Many blessings of health, happiness and joy for the new year!!!
    xoxo Jessica~

  14. Tis the season of rejoicing in the Lord's gift to us. He gave the two of you a special gift of love and gratitude and love and recovery and love and friendship to many and love and...
    I adore the picture of the two of, laughter and love!
    Merry Christmas......hope to see you soon!

  15. Another fabulous post. So touching and heart warming. Thank you so much. Happy Holidays and what a lovely coat, might I add ;)


  16. I was so touched by your story and then came to find out, you are friends with friends of ours.
    Small tango world :)

  17. Merry Christmas and may 2011 be wonderfully delicious.

  18. and it is not over luvs, am still working on another auction, damn work gets in the wa,y but stay tuned

    when a darling couple such as yourselves is in need, a couple that shares and gives all year, it is an honour to be there.

    sending love and hugs, merry christmas dearest

  19. dear valorie and alberto and cholo,

    the photograph of you dancing together and looking great is reward enough for all of us who love you all.



  20. A very Merry Christmas to you and Alberto and a super duper New Year with all our love.

  21. It's wonderful that you both are on the mend and able to enjoy Christmas time. And yes indeed more tango in 2011.

  22. What a blessing for you to be together and what blessing for all having a chance to help.
    Much love to both of you in 2011!

    xoxo Victoria


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