Monday, March 14, 2011

Yard Project Almost Done

Gravel and Trina Turk and a place to party

I have been working on my yard since Katrina trashed it. It has been slow going to say the least.
I have the best neighbors in the world, and they have been working hard to rebuild the fence that blew down between our houses, and it was finally finished a few months ago, which was what I needed to proceed.

I'm giving you some hints of the elements I am using in these photos from my clipping file.

Pink and Buddhas

Our house is on a double lot, a real treat for city living. We have two old cracked concrete patios in the back, because at one time this double shotgun house had two families living in it, hence two patios. I took down the fence between the two to open it up into one larger space.

A lawn to mow

No budget to completely demo old cement patios, and really no will to do it either. So I came up with some stylist choices, that have worked out very well.
There is a nice area for entertaining in the back now.

I spy a Bocce court!

On the side of the house with the extra lot, there is a driveway for off street parking. I have carved out some planting beds flanking the drive, preserving a 150 year Sweet Olive tree, and adding new pass-along plants, including some great palm trees.

There was also space for a lawn! Green grass in the city! At first I thought about hard scape for this area, or even raised planter boxes inspired by Brooke and Steve's (Velvet and Linen)
front yard vegetable garden. But in the end I was most inspired by Cholo, who loves to play ball, and the grass was the best option for his sweet little paws.

Are you up for a game?

We planted St. Augustine grass, and it is still coming into to it's own, but I can see how lush it's going to be, and I envision some croquet perhaps? I've been eye balling a vintage croquet set in a local antique shop on Magazine Street.

And how about some lawn bowling and cocktails?

Oooh Lawn Bowling outfits!

Or maybe a game of Bocce!

Love the ghetto-look Bocce court with the discarded beer can

The weather is so fine right now. The shop was closed Saturday because a huge raucous St. Patrick's Day parade rolls on Magazine Street, 1400 drinking men dressed in tuxedos handing out roses for sloppy kisses.

So Jack came over and we did alot of work, painting and spiffing up. Alberto is building a few things, and helping me realize the vision I have had in my head for five years and counting.
How was the weekend where you're at? Are you doing tons of yard work too?

Another hint - the secret garden
Something I love from the French Quarter

I'm on the fast track to complete as much as possible. The PRC Shotgun House Tour is April 2, so if you are in New Orleans get your ticket HERE, and come and see our house AND yard!


  1. How fun!!! You have the perfect yard for entertaining doll! Wish I were closer! I am having a giveaway that ends this Friday to celebrate Spring. Check it out and enter if you haven't already! Kori xoxo

  2. How wonderful it all sounds, looking forward to the reveal. We had our lawn service come by for a review of the yard and cost out some additional services. You're much farther along in the design of the back yard retreat.

  3. Yay! Can't wait to see the pictures. I love croquet, and you've got the perfect size yard for it. I've been digging up the crummy lawn in the back yard and I'm almost finished. I was going to put down rock but the dirt is so nice and fluffy I'm thinking of planting a garden instead. Plan B..

  4. Wonderful! Love bocce, know it from Italy and France, it's so popular there!
    Can't wait to see what's coming!
    Wish I could be there inApril! WE might come to visit in July!

  5. My front yard looks a mess with the renovation and 2 large Cats in the front...but in a few months, I will be scheming and landscaping and doing my own patio.
    My folks have "shuffle-board" which has always been fun for our family.

  6. Looks absolutely gorgeous And the sweet photos of the children and all the friends around!
    Have a wonderful week!
    Loved all the prior weeks posts, just catching up!
    Jamie Herzlinger

  7. *** Val~ So VERY CHARMING!!!

    * I HAD a great chuckle just now, when you were talking about your decision (w/ respect to the yard & Cholo)... you wrote: "grass was the best option for his sweet little....." and I just KNEW you would say "ass", and you "shocked" me n' said "paws"... and I smiled~~~ big time!!!

    Licks to Cholo from Belle, and hugs to a very HEALTHY ALBERTO n' YOU!

    Linda in AZ *

  8. Wonderful! I love the idea of lawn bowling. Sounds like a party.

  9. Dear God: Why do some individuals posses such creative talent when others (such as myself) do not?

    Oh..and to Valorie, I love croquet, and I love anything Trina Turk & I love anything you touch.

    Love you too xo

  10. Valeri....loving this. You will love this space so much more after working so hard to recreate it. I don't know why...but lately, I'm all about the outdoor spaces. If you can have a little patch of green, then you've got your own slice of heaven!

  11. You are teasing us! I can't wait to see the big reveal.


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