I never had children.
I am the eldest of seven and spent my childhood being "the little mother."
At age 18 I left home. Free. Free to be a child.
When my child bearing years came to an end I thought about regretting not having a child, or adopting one or ten.
I have been pregnant twice.
I'm glad my mother the child bride of 17 had me, and then six others.
I'm so happy all my brothers and sisters have children.
Alberto has two grown children and a grandson.
All my tango students are my children, even if they are 70 years old.
I tend to tend to others, being a bit of a mother if you know what I mean.
So Happy Weekend, and I celebrate all the mothers, and all the women who decided not to have children too.
image from Shelter Pop via La Dolce Vita
What a cute photo! God Bless & Happy Mother's Day to you too!
Awww....Happy weekend...you are a beautiful soul!
And that pic....makes my heart sing!
OH yes, our children are the things we love and give our hearts to - age, size, shape, gender, biology doesn't matter. Happy Mother's Day, Valorie. Haver an incredible weekend with your Alberto and Cholo :)
xoxo Marija
We share so much, I am one of seven too, and for many years was on my career path and never gave mothering my own a thought....until I had children, but I do mother more than just my own. I guess we both know about being in a large family and caring for each other.
Happy Mother's day, what a sweet photo!
Hope your day is designed with lots of visual interest!
Hi Valerie! Well, I do have two children but I always wanted brothers and sisters - being an only child - and look at the slew of them you had! I used to write letters to Santa when I was little asking him to send me a brother or a sister! :)
Happy Wonderfulness day to you, Dear One,
Be a sweetie,
Shelia aka Picklepoo
don't forget cholo!
What a beautiful post on different forms of mothers. Lovely.
I don't think of you as 'mumsy' - you are the Vamp after all!
Caring though - Yes.
Happy Day Valorie.x
Love the photo and your tribute to mothers. Having never had children of my own (although my sister insista 38 is the new 24 for child bearing) I am a step mother. I think mothering comes in many forms, weather its a 70 year old tango student, a step child, a dog. Whatever.
Lovely post!
Happy Weekend Valorie!
We are on the same wave length. I took a similar picture of my 2 year old yesterday at his babysitter's home that I was going to share today on my blog. I'm the youngest of 10 kids(6 brothers and 3 sisters, 2 deceased)so I can relate. I concur with Carol and Design Junkie's comments. Cholo and your hubby are two very lucky family members.
Mothering is a state of heart ~
Tricia took the words right out of my mouth! Mothering is that caretaking, loving, interested piece of all the women I know. It's not about biology. Have a great weekend, Valorie. Your "family" is lucky to have you.
Valorie, I know what you mean! You have a mother's heart and that's what counts!
There a some mothers who do not desreve that title.
Having a motherly touch is a great gift and I even now at my age I appreciate a bit of mothering here and there!
Happy Mother's Day!
Love ~ Victoria
Happy Mother's Day, Mama!
Well Valorie. I have several friends with children, Grown ups. I haven't heard one say the child
is a blessing. They leave and you are alone and you both live your own lives. So I am sending you a
big Happy Mother's day hug.
Thank God I am going to a Party tomorrow.. yvonne
One doesn't have to be a biological mother to nuture and care for others. Your personality, enthusiasm and extensive posts tell your readers you are a great gal. Just let us know us what Cholo has to say.
Best regards,
Happy Mother's Day all.
My son, Miles, is my most favorite person in the world.
He is mellow, very smart, artsy, scientific, educated, cultured, well mannered, fun, stylish, good person, precise, caring, loving, dedicated, loyal, playful, refined, all-round rocking good guy.
He is currently in school to become an Optometrist.
Here's to awesome sons! :)
Mz V,
You are the BEST....enjoy those around you that love you!
Can't wait to see you!
You really really really could not have said this better. Thank you. Happy Weekend!
Have a glorious week end -- and celebrate just being alive. Wish I lived closer love to get more tango lessons. It is a wonderful dance -- it teaches you about your self and about relationships....hooked on tango, in Oregon.
the dowsers daughter
Dear Valerie,
It was so lovely to finally run into you this afternoon at Perch, after many months of enjoying your blog and sharing it with my son, Cade.
You've done a great job with Perch... you were so right when you said it was 6,000 square feet of gorgeousness!
Keep up the interesting blog, you've got so many fans. Meeting you was the highlight of my Mother's Day weekend! We will be back to visit you.
Sucre was divine, full of decadent indulgences. We headed off to Coquette afterwards, but just didn't have the appetite. After another couple hours of toodling around, we ended up at Delachaise for the pomme frites fried in goose fat instead.
Over the fries and bloody marys, we thought of Carl Robinson, MD, an accupuncturist in New Orleans who may be able to help Alberto. My son's med-student roommate just studied under him and was amazed at the results he has achieved in relieving chronic pain. Just a thought we wanted to pass along!
Lovely to meet you, and happy Tangoing!
Lori Farmer
I think of you more as a sister than a mother. But whatever the label... I love our friendship. Happy Mother's Day to you Valorie!
The best "mothering" is not always done by a biological mother. I am grateful to all the women in my life who have guided me, mentored me, and serve as examples--Happy weekend :) LOVE the picture
Sometimes there's a twinge of regrets for not having kids but it passes quickly in most cases.
Happy Mothers Day!
So well said! Somehow, through your wonderful posts and emails this is exactly how I imagined your soul.
you are like a mom to a lot of us bloggers. so i will wish you a happy mother's day..plus let's not forget cholo.
can't wait to see you this weekend!!!!
Happy Mothers Day. and thank you for this post about different ways to be a mother.
I found a link to your site on Jackie Von Tobel's blog and this was the first thing I read. I think it's lovely and brave. I've always thought of mothers day as having little to do with biology and legal documents and everything to do with honoring those who create safe, warm places for us and make us feel loved and nurtured. I love my mother more than pretty much anyone - but i have been mothered by several other women and I can't imagine my life without them. Thank you for reminding me of that.
Yes - to ALL the mothers - and adoring aunts, friends, and godparents!
-Sanity Fair
Val, I love your posts! You are the best.
Valorie, I wish you would put a video of you doing the Tango, I'd love it. yvonne
Hey sweet one! Thanks for your note. Hope all is well in New Orleans and at the store. Please let me know if you are ever in the city! Take care love!
Thanks for all the love!!!
You guys are the best!
xo xo
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