Friday, November 7, 2008

Happy Weekend From Me And Billie

Mounds of laundry to do; the house needs a good cleaning (and not just passing the mop as my good friend Miss Anne used to say); my office is piled high with clutter; the master bathroom renovation needs to get going again (it's just done enough to be comfortable and clean, but has a ton of unfinished issues); a movie to see: Jonathan Demme's "Rachel Getting Married"; take Cholo to the levee so he can run around off-leash during the promised weekend of fine weather; work on about a half dozen blog postings to organize for next week, and so on and so on.
I think I need to make myself a grilled cheese sandwich and listen to some Billie Holiday now.
Happy weekend!


ArchitectDesign™ said...

One of my favorite singers! I've never seen that photo before - fabulous!

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

How I do love Billie. And we share the same birthday. Not year, mind you, just day.

Happy Weekend!

Julia @ Hooked on Houses said...

I love Billie Holiday. I hadn't seen that photo of her, either.

Hope you have a happy weekend, too! -Julia :-)

P.S. Thanks for asking about my husband. He's recovering very nicely, thank you!

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

Very Frida-esque picture above.

Enjoy your weekend!

Unknown said...

Oh, dear! I´m getting stressed myself with your to do list! :) Hope you enjoyed Billie Holiday!

Brilliant Asylum said...

Listening to Billie Holiday always makes me feel better.

Rachel Getting Married was great--go see it!

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a wonderful weekend! Speaking of grilled cheese...I had the best one at In N Out. They put their special sauce, tomatoes, onions and all the fixin's on it too. How great is that?! :)