Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Happy Birthday Eiffel Tower!

I got this sweet note from one of my most loyal readers and pen pals:

Hi Miz V, I know you're pooped and might not even post tomorrow. But in case you need a quick topic, the Eiffel Tower's official 120th birthday is tomorrow. It was inaugurated on March 31, 1889. If I'd been on the ball, I would have done the donkey work and served it up on a silver platter for you. Love,Carey
Thanks Carey!
And Joyeux Anniversaire Tour Eiffel!


Laura said...

How cute! And what thoughtful readers you have!

Anonymous said...

Oh, thank you Miz V. I know it's so terribly common to be an American who is in love with the Eiffel Tower, but alas, I am. Thank you for honoring the Eiffel Tower and for giving me the chance to declare my love for it so publicly. Bless you and your big warm heart.

pve design said...

We really are so lucky to have such amazingly thoughtful readers! Oh wait til you see what I send you....

Anonymous said...

They say that the tower only would be something special if it was built up side down...

vicki archer said...

She looks good for 120! xv

ArchitectDesign™ said...

I love that you posted a picture from my favorite movie, Funny Face! Happy Birthday, Eiffel Tower!

Dumbwit Tellher said...

What a fabulous photo! Oh to have been in Paris to celebrate the day.