There was an amazing flurry of comments at Jenny's MFAMB last month HERE
Blah blah blah we all hate Imperial Trellis type fabrics. Well in your face trendz haters! I just covered a cutey-pie Saarinen stool in the guest room with a knock-off fabric from HERE
I love it. And I love my one Foo Dog too. And the black and white stripe rug. And the Dwell Studio bedding. And the sunburst clock AND mirror you can't see.
I took all the colors for the room from the crazy wonderful folk art painting and woodcarving entitled "Le Tango" done by Charles Gillam (call: Susan and Charles 504 975-8421 or 504 234-1703).
And to twist your knickers further, I put a SEAGRASS rug on the kitchen floor!!! I sprayed it with something called Sisal Guard, and so far (only two weeks) no problems with spills or anything. I always like adding "living room" stuff to a kitchen. Why? I'm crazy! So I added a mirror over the sink too!
In New York, certain apartments during a certain era used mirror in the small kitchens as a backsplash. My kitchen revamp is taking on the feeling of a bistro, where you often see long mirrors, so I thought a mirror over the sink in lieu of a fancy backsplash looks spiffy.
The framed photos have a bistro mirror shape
I used a good looking inexpensive closet mirror with a black plastic frame from Target.
I stuck it to the wall with Velcro tape. Beware, I still might get a subway sign for the kitchen, though I am thinking of one from Buenos Aires.
Happy Weekend!
Totally get you Valorie! An infusion of a little craziness is what we all need!
Art by Karena
You crack me up!
I love that mirror as your backsplash! I have thought of adding a mirrored backsplash in my own kitchen (because it's small and dark) - your way is so creative.
Hope you have a great weekend too.
By the way - I also still love my sunburst mirror. And my oversized clock.
I love it. Besides, it's good feng shui to have a mirror in your kitchen, to see behind you. Who cares what the trends are (or not), if you love it:)
I love your ideas, they are unique and personal. It is "your" home, it should be "your" taste. I love the idea of a mirror, my dining room seems to be shrinking, or maybe my boys have grown too big.
go with it, sista! i think we're all entitled to do whatever in the heck we want in our home as long as we like it!! really, that's all who matters, right?
Yeah, give it to them....trends? You do what you do best, stick to your style crazy ways and don't stop!
If the trend fits, use it....
Kiss Kiss!
you totally make me laugh!
I think it all works!
mirror on stove is good luck. good Feng shui. brings money! $! and to add the mirror affect $!!$
Mirror backsplash=so glam, so you!
i love it all -- i think seagrass works anywhere.
your stool looks great!!
I'm feeling ya, girl. I have the exact same lantern light above my table and I tried to use that Chippendale Fretwork fabric on some outdoor cushions at a club (they chose something else, though.)
Just shoot me because I had NO idea we were supposed to hate trellis fabric. I love it.
If you have a moment, please stop by and enter my FAB FALL FRENCH GIVEAWAY.
who CARES what others think....vamp away, girl!
I want to paint your wicker vanity black or red lacquer to add a bit more crazy to your world. Not that you need any more crazy.
Love crazy you.
the vamp'skitchen rocks my face.
I would much rather be crazy than dull. Love it! You are such an original and that is fantastic.
I actually love the guest room and SUPER LOVE the kitchen. I am using antique mirror as a back splash in my MIL's apt that I am re-doing. Its sexy...
Brilliant just like you. I have that exact fabric so throwing no stones here. I use it on a wall no less..a very tall & narrow wall in a guest powder room & trimmed the edges with wide black grosgrain ribbon. I've always wanted to tile the kitchen with mirrored backsplash. Our kitchen is like a tunnel & the mirror would reflect what light there is. Bravo to you Val, love it all. It speaks your fun, lively personality. xo
Yes, I get your crazy mind, and I love it!
You guys rock my world!
xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo
as i said, better and better!
love it! m
I love it. I am remodeling a kitchen and in my last kitchen I used b/w photos (actually they were from the back page of Saveur magazine) of quirky shots that involved food in some way. I framed them in inexpensive black frames from the craft store that had mats, and spaced them all around the kitchen as a backsplash. I've loved it. So easy to clean as well! This time I was toying with the idea of a mirror over the stove. Thanks so much for the usual. As far as the subway sign, you might want to check out a friend of mine's blog.
She does the best signs. They are well finished and she is an artist who handpaints furniture as well. She did a bedroom door for me that was at the end of a long narrow hallway. She took one of those basic plain hollow core doors and made it look both modern and aged and stenciled an old French prayer card going down the side. it's great. Her prices are wonderful and she is a lovely person. When you check out her blog, go back a bit and you can see some of her other work.
I just love your blog. I get so much inspiration from it. Love the transformation of the dining room. Wow. Although I have to say that I loved the room before.
Whoa! I am way out of the conversation. Who hates imperial trellis and why? Its a twist on a Chippendale classic pattern, with an edgier more modern feeling. Nobody can beat up on Tommy! All I can say is Rubbish! I get you, and your little foo dog too.
Mirror, mirror
On the wall
The Visual Vamp
Is the coolest
One of all.
Guest room and kitchen look great.
i love to count the trends i have in my own house - all of them. who gives a shit? i love them!!!!
Hey Girl....i say do what you like trendz or no trendz! You have fabulous style and it always comes together great!
Well, if you are crazy, then I am, too. I have been using those closet mirrors as "backsplash" in kitchens for years. In a tight space, they open it up, reflect light, etc. One that I had behind the stovetop in my last house exploded from the heat from the burners, so I threw it out and got another. Right now I have one with wine corks glued onto the frame on the side of my kitchen opposite the only window -- it's nice to double the light.
I like it. And I really like that British flag on your DW.
I love the mirror as a backsplash. I am thinking of putting mirror behind my cabinet shelves that I took the doors off of. I'm pretty crazy for mirrors these days.
Love your ideals, very unique and unusual! To me thats what our homes should be! Expressions of ourself! I love to do things that are unexpected! The mirror in your kitchen, great ideal! Thanks for sharing such wonderful ideals.
I love it! I so agree with you Joni! xo
Love this post and adore your style!
I've got a kilim rug in my postage stamp sized kitchen, and it's not going anywhere. Just wish there was room for a mirror. Love your style!
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