I pitched a story over a year ago to a local magazine. The editor came over to my house, and was very sweet and interested. But nothing happened. We exchanged a few cordial e-mails, and later I sent her some photos of my Holly Golightly Christmas tree along with wishes for a Merry Christmas. Nothing ventured nothing gained. I have been to this rodeo before regarding editorial.

This past Monday she called, and offered a story about the decor in my house. Uh, I said, alot has changed. While she was on the phone, I directed her to the blog so she could have a look. She was game, and arranged the shoot for this past Friday. So much happened from last Monday to this past Friday, with all of our thoughts now focused on getting the hell out of Dodge. But we decided to carry on.

So here's a sneak peek. I took these photos.
I don't know when the magazine is going to publish the story and photos we did on Friday. The "boss" took the computer server somewhere north for safety, and had the entire staff take their computers out of the office, and sent them all off to get out of New Orleans safely on Friday. Who knows when work will resume. But I don't care, because I know it's in the can, and if I waited this long, a little more won't kill me (oh how I sound like my mother...)

The photo shoot was fabulous. We shot the living room, a dining room set up, my closet, the master bedroom, my Gris Gris altar, and even a bit of the kitchen, and seven of my favorite things, and a portrait of moi which I begged them to Photoshop with mercy and a heavy air brush. If they do not do this, I will publish the other picture I took of them. Aw, what am I saying? These women couldn't look bad no matter what.
Special heartfelt thanks to Jack and Caroline at
Perch, who added a few very special things. I just have to buy these perfect pillows...
Hi Everyone -
Thank you for all the comments! Where ae they? Well, I deleted them by mistake. I am so sorry.
Joni - you're right about the lamp and the etagere. There is another lamp on the credenza to the right of the couch, so moving the floor lamp over won't work. I could just get rid of the etagere. It's just eye candy. Then the floor lamp would look less crowded.
To Miss N., you don't know much about tabletop photo shoots, do you? LOL. But you can still have a piece of cake.
Mary Kay, always good to hear from you darlin'...and Mrs. Ben! How nice that you still check on me once in awhile.
Alkemie, thanks for reading and the comment.
And yes I'll keep the pillows (they may cost more than the couch LOL), and the white chairs are not in the budget this year. But my old DR chairs are getting recovered in white faux leather, so I'll have to make do.
Pigtown, Courtney, and Topsy I'm glad I brought back pleasant memories of Louisana for you.
Again I am so sorry to have lost all the lovely comments.
I know I'm probably leaving someone out - I just read the comments once and then made the boo boo :-(
I'm a bit jittery. The wind is blowing, and it's raining, and it's just the outer bands...
What a spectacular decor! No wonder they wanted to feature it.
Things look wonderful here on your blog and in your home! So happy you stopped by That Girl for a little visit. I've got you bookmarked and I'll be back real soon.
When will you be back in your home?FUN tree! How exciting to be in a magazine! CONGRATS!
I'm waiting for my day to come! Any pointers on making it happen?
The photo shoot sounds so exciting! I was reading though your blog and had to laugh at your friends place in B.R. you see - we actually do live above a barn - snicker snicker!...and we also have motorcycles. I think you found our twins!
I enjoyed my visit!
Well, I hope this doesn't get deleted! I just wanted to say....YooooHoooo! Congrats girl, cuz you deserve it. Your house looks fabulous, and I love the table setting and all the "styling". What fun! I hope you got through Gustav OK and are back home safe and sound. Cheers.
Val, I'm trusting all is well with you by now. Gustav has moved up to Illinois and has been showering us nicely for a couple of days.
Your home is lovely, bet the mag will turn out super.
Be safe. ohj
ps: I was going to suggest that you add WWAD to your Amazon list, but see you already have it on there. I just recently watched BAT for the first time, so picked the book up at the library. I was not a fan when younger, couldn't identify in any way with someone described as "gamine", but she apparently was a lovely woman. I'm looking forward to finding more of her movies.
lots of fantastic pieces in the second shot!
love your holly golightly christmas tree! it's wonderful.
Hi all!
Trying to get back to a routine this week. Hope uncle Ike doesn't kick us to the curb.
Anyhoo, Fifi Flowers asked a good question regarding how to get editorial.
Believe it or not, it's not that hard. Magazines are greedy little mouths to feed, so to speak, and editors are always looking for ways to fill the pages.
Personal contact is the way to go.
E-mail (or phone - yes the dreaded cold call) an editor - keep it short and sweet, and if the e-mail allows you to send a photo or two, do that too. Some publications don't let you send a blind photo via e-mail due to viruses, and if that's the case, ask the editor for permission. If you have a blog, send the link.
Be realistic, and contact magazines that show the same point of view that you have. If you're a Domino gal, don't bother AD.
And do contact your local sources. Almost every local newspaper has a magazine section, and every region has some kind of local lifestyle magazine.
Be prepared for nothing to happen. But keep trying.
Editorial is great fun. It often costs you money to produce your shoot, and sometimes the "free" advertising doesn't make you much money. But it is very satisfying to see your work published, and some clients/customers dig it.
There's a guy doing a blog magazine called Fellow http://decorfellow.blogspot.com/
It's kind of interesting, and maybe he'd be good to pitch.
In any event, good luck and have fun doing what you love to do!
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