I went to Spain in the early 1990's to do a half dozen special events in connection with the IMF annual meeting. My clients needed me to find the venues, the caterers, and do the decor.
The caterer I hired turned out to be the Julia Child of Spain, and she opened her home and family life to me, and introduced me to many of the vendors I ended up using. She also introduced me to her friends, who were fascinated with my project. One couple owned a 16th century home in Jerez, and also a finca (a country house) that was a converted olive mill (pictured on the right is an altar in that home). When I first saw these wonderful places, I breezily asked, how long have you been living here, and was mortified when my gracious hosts informed me that their homes had been in the family since the 16th century. Duh. Americans don't have that sense of history!

wearing crosses and the Star of David as a hip and cool fashion
accessory. Soon thereafter, it seemed like crosses, angels, and church candle holders started to creep into the decor of the uber arty cool people. An abandoned church in New York became a famous disco called Limelight. Antique dealers were being arrested for stealing cemetery art in the form of crosses, and sculpture. Everyone was wearing crosses too - earrings or necklaces or bracelets, and imprinted T-shirts, and it did not matter if you were Christian, Jewish, or from Mars.
As a first year art student, my art history professor gave me the assignment to write a term paper about the significance of the cross form in global art. I groaned. But in the pursuit of reference material for that paper, I came to appreciate the art of the cross. I started collecting them, and kept them in a boxes for years. When we moved to New Orleans, they found their way out of storage purgatory, and up onto the walls of our home here. They fit in so well with New Orleans style where voodoo, gris-gris, and Catholicism are a part of everyday life.
Fish is still served on Fridays here, and people talk to St. Anthony and St. Expedite on a regular basis, and bury statues of St. Joseph when they need to sell a house.
So it is no surprise that divine or devotional objects have found their way into the mainstream of decorating. Certain places like New Orleans and Santa Fe (and Mexico which made Day of The Dead objects popular) seem to exemplify the style of living with spiritual objects. But shop at any Tuesday Morning, Stein Mart, TJ Maxx, Pier One, Target, Wal Mart, Cost Plus World Market, any place where decorative accents are sold and you will find icons of the Catholic faith on the shelf next to a bevy of Buddhas. Does this make us all more spiritual? In a way, yes, because living with these objects does produce some kind of aura.

One of his regular gigs is doing photography for Veranda magazine. I was so happy to see his own home featured in the December 2007 issue, and that he did the photography too! His home is beautiful and perfectly decorated. What really thrilled me was to see how he lives with the devotional objects he has collected over the years.

He has a huge collection of French antique
heart shaped ex votos or milagros
Here they are displayed on Roman marble bust (A.D. 100-400)
The flowers are just gorgeous too!

A 19th-c saint's crown and processional cross
sit on a 19th-c Mexican table
The fab chair is Robsjohn-Gibbings

The shoot was done for the Christmas issue,
but I am sure Peter lives with his
beautiful divine objects year round -
I love the Peruvian chair,
and the colonial figure of the Christ Child.
The French table runner is so luxe!
The square wreaths are beautiful
(with the heart shaped ex votos)
Do you have to have the precious items that Peter Vitale arranges in such a sophisticated way in order to enjoy your own version of divine living? Of course not! Just about everybody on Rate My Space (the web site for regular folks who decorate and show off their efforts) has a cross hanging on the wall. I first posted a little picture essay there, about devotional objects used in the home, and the reaction was a bit controversial. I have my huge cross collection hanging in a bedroom, and some people found it creepy. No one has ever lost a night's sleep there! I asked my interior designer friend Michael Pelkey if I should hang a curtain over them, so it could be closed if it bothered anyone. He laughed, well actually cackled, and said "f**k 'em, it's your house and it looks great!"
I had the collection back in storage again, because we moved to a smaller house, and I didn't have one inch of extra wall space left to hang them. The bedroom had some ditzy mirror and candle sconces that Michael shamed me into removing. Voila! A nice big blank wall!
I had the collection back in storage again, because we moved to a smaller house, and I didn't have one inch of extra wall space left to hang them. The bedroom had some ditzy mirror and candle sconces that Michael shamed me into removing. Voila! A nice big blank wall!
The other thing that seems to naturally occur in most homes, is a place that becomes a little altar or shrine. It might happen on a mantle, or a dresser top, or in a niche. It may not contain religious articles, but little things that you like: photos, mementos, found objects. This gathering place can become a catch all that takes on a personality and a life of its own. Here in New Orleans lots of people have altars. It doesn't mean you're a voodoo queen sticking pins in a doll, or that you're necessarily religious or even a practicing Catholic. People just like to live with their statues of saints, and their crosses, and their good luck charms. My own altar started innocently, and it was quite small. I have a 19th century corner table from Mexico that fit into an odd little corner in my book room. Once I started it, I just kept finding things to put on it, and people also gave me little trinkets too. It's kind of out of hand, but I love it, and just can't seem to edit it out our lives. We've been told that our house was safe and sound during Katrina because my gris-gris altar is very powerful (in a good way).

Valorie Hart Designs
Gris-gris altar

...and a collection of portraits
of women saints hanging in
the walk in closet/dressing room
There is another great book by Mary Emmerling called The Art Of The Cross HERE
She also has lived in New Mexico, and I think her homes and books were very much influenced by living with the culture of devotional objects and architecture so identified with Santa Fe. I wish I had had this book when I was doing that term paper! I keep a copy of it in the bedroom with the crosses, just to help those who don't understand them LOL! I'll add Peter Vitale's book when it comes out.
What do you think? Do you use divine objects with ease in your home? Send me some photos!
She also has lived in New Mexico, and I think her homes and books were very much influenced by living with the culture of devotional objects and architecture so identified with Santa Fe. I wish I had had this book when I was doing that term paper! I keep a copy of it in the bedroom with the crosses, just to help those who don't understand them LOL! I'll add Peter Vitale's book when it comes out.
What do you think? Do you use divine objects with ease in your home? Send me some photos!

Oh, I remember the controversy about your 'crosses'. I doubt if you recall, I defended you.
Actually years ago prior to when my dtr. was married, I started her off on a small collection which she herself has added to. Not sure though if she has them in her new home. (Must check the next time when I'm there.)
When I have browsed RMS spaces, I have noticed that many New Orleans natives have a tendency to decorate with religious symbolism.
Do you have any idea why? Also, with no intention to offend; the phrase 'less is more' appears not to be in their decorating vocabulary. To me the style and overdulgence reminds me of French Canadiana (reason why I can identify it so quickly).
So beautiful - what a wonderful post! I was wondering if you were going to mention Mary E's book. I got an autographed copy of it for Christmas from my sister in law - a rather bizarre gift for a Jewish girl, no? hahahah!!!!
Beautiful - and I love your altar!
Mrs. B I do recall your kindness to me at RMS! Thank you! Yes NOLA folks love their stuff. This is a Creole port city where the treasures of the world have poured in for the last 300 years. People love their homes, love color, love to entertain (drink, eat, cook, converse), love to shop, love to fill their homes with beautiful things that get passed from generation to generation. Until RMS I was not aware how different from the mainstream we decorate here LOL
The French bon vivant influenece for living with style is very much alive as it was 300 years ago - as is the colonial Spanish influence.
Hi Joni, Yes Mary's book is so charming! I love that you gave it to your sister! I have a friend who uses the Star Of David, as I use my crosses! It's another great point of view of divine living. I think Peter Vitale's book is going to be spectacular. And...please send me something for my altar :-)
Peter Vitale's book looks great! I love his house, and am a fan of Spanish colonial interiors.
I desperately want these books. I am an atheist but obsessed with divine objects. I have 15 processional coptic crosses, a huge collection of Islamic prayer beads, a collection of antique Buddha hands and more and more. I spend hours on ebay just looking at the santos.
Dear Topsy and Maryam, Thanks for looking in AND leaving a comment! Yes Peter is a fantastic talent, and I know his book will be as great as he is :-) And Maryam. your divine collection, sounds, well just divine!
You can get The Art of The Cross on amazon of course, or I would be happy to get a copy for you and send it...
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